Useful resources

Please find below some useful resources which are related to our project.

Intellectual Output 1: INTenSE e-booklet on self-experience practices for dementia care

INTenSE will develop an e-booklet, based on a bottom up approach, for the definition of self-experience practices in dementia care. This will include a scoping review of the state-of-the-art and a collection of transnational experience in the field. Partner contributions will enable us to learn about cross cultural differences in dementia care and the benefits that the immersive experience can offer professionals who take care for people with dementia and their care partners. Information about experiences from partners’ networks will be gathered through focus groups locally organized and managed by each pilot partner.

Intellectual Output 2: the INTenSE Dementia Simulation Toolkit (DST)

It is well known that people are more helpful to others when they can identify with them. Since caregivers/professionals have never personally experienced the physical and relational limitations of dementia, developing sensitivity to the needs of patients would seem an essential help to provide good care. To develop the DST toolkit, a co-creation approach will be adopted, where professionals and older adults with dementia will participate in the co-creation sessions that will happen locally in each pilot partner site. In this way, all the relevant stakeholders with different skills and operational levels (professionals and people with dementia) will be involved in the generation of ideas and tool design with the aim of sharing everyone’s needs and aligning ideas towards a common goal, i.e., the DST toolkit.

  • T2.1 Collection of requirements and scenarios definition

  • T2.2 Training of professionals on co-designed methodology
  • T2.3 Development of DST technology
  • T2.4 Development of INTenSE toolkit
  • T2.5 Preparation on training of the INTenSE toolkit and web-platform
  • T2.6 Final considerations on practical use

Intellectual Output 3: the INTenSE web platform

INTenSE will develop an ICT web-based platform as a tool for creating mutual learning through the exchange of experiences and evidence, including behavioral-treatment-strategies. The project will use a participative process, engaging professionals in the partners’ network that work with people with dementia during the entire design, development and testing lifecycle. The participative methodology employed for the development of the INTenSE platform will require specific training for the professionals to improve their competence to use ICT tools and to adopt the participatory design methodology.

  • T3.1 Technical requirement elicitation through participative design
  • T3.2 Development of the platform
  • T3.3 Translations from English to partner’s national languages

  • T4.3 Regular web content generator, updates and maintenance